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International Session(Symposium)4(JSGE・JGES)
Fri. November 22nd   9:30 - 12:00   Room 11: Portopia Hotel South Wing Topaz
Early-life stress induced gastric hypersensitivity in adult rats
Takashi Kondo1, Shaoqi Duan1,2, Hiroto Miwa1
1Division of Gastroenterology, Department of Internal Medicine, Hyogo College of Medicine, 2Department of Pharmacy, School of Pharmacy, Hyogo University of Health Sciences
Background & Aims: Maternal separation (MS) can be used as a stress model of early-life adversity for rodents, which is thought to be associated with long-lasting alterations of the neural system, inducing visceral hypersensitivity. This study aims to focus on gastric hypersensitivity caused by MS stress and to establish a rat model of functional dyspepsia (FD) with gastric hypersensitivity.
Method: Both male and female newborn Sprague Dawley rats were randomly divided into an MS group and a control group. The MS rats were separated individually for 2 hours a day, from postnatal day 1 to day 10. Visceromotor responses to gastric distention (GD) were performed when the rats reached 8 weeks of ageand recorded by quantifying the activity on electromyography (EMG) recorded with electrodes implanted in the acromiotrapezius muscle.
Result: There was no significant difference in body weight between MS and control rats. GD caused an intensity-dependent increase in EMG activity in both groups. The EMG responses significantly increased in the MS rats (n=19)at 60 mmHg (P< 0.01)and 80 mmHg (P< 0.001)compared to the control rats (n=24).
Conclusion: Maternal separation stresscould induce a potential rat model of gastric hypersensitivity of FD, which could be used to research the mechanisms of FD.
Index Term 1: Functional dyspepsia
Index Term 2: Gastric hypersensitivity
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