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International Session(Symposium)5(JSGS・JSGE)
Fri. November 22nd   14:30 - 16:30   Room 12: Portopia Hotel South Wing Topaz
Future perspectives on the cost effectiveness of bariatric surgery in Japan
Hiroshi Yamamoto1,2, Sumihiro Kamitani1
1Department of Surgery, Kohnan Hospital, 2Bariatric Surgery Center, Kusatsu General Hospital
Bariatric surgery remains largely underused in Japan, while laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy, LSG was approved and covered by the National Health Insurance System in 2014.
Several barriers to bariatric surgery have been identified, including limited obese patient and physician knowledge regarding the effectiveness and safety of bariatric surgery. However, the matter of cost effectiveness and insurance coverage as a barrier to access to care has not been discussed to date.
Previously, we investigated total amount of expenses before and after bariatric surgery by using a questionnaire survey for the patient, and showed that the total amount of expenses after bariatric surgery significantly decreased and concluded that bariatric surgery may be largely cost neutral for patient even without public health insurance coverage. However, this study was analyzed judging from the view point of the patient.
Recently, we designed multi-institutional joint research to study the cost effectiveness of bariatric surgery in Japan. Treatment outcomes, healthcare cost, QOL (SF-36 and EQ-5D-5L), metabolic parameters and complications data of medical and surgical treatment will be collected from 19 institutions. Cost utility analysis will be performed by using Markov model.
In this session, we will present future perspective of bariatric surgery especially in view of cost effectiveness with review of recent reports regarding cost effectiveness of bariatric surgery.
Index Term 1: bariatric surgery
Index Term 2: cost effectiveness
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