2 presentations were found matching your search word poster_award .

International Poster Session 1 (JDDW)

November 5, 9:30–10:10, Room 16 (Kobe International Exhibition Hall No.3 Building Digital Poster Venue)

Upper GI-1

  • Chairperson:
    Hidekazu SuzukiDepartment of Gastroenterology, Tokai University School of Medicine
  • Discussant:
    Shinichi MiyamotoDepartment of Gastroenterology, National Hospital Organization, Kyoto Medical Center

Usefulness of Transnasal Endoscopy in Estimating Depth and Thickness of Superficial Hypopharyngeal Squamous Cell Carcinoma
Poster Award Young Award

Yusuke Fujino Digestive and Lifestyle Diseases, Kagoshima University Graduate School

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International Poster Session 6 (JDDW)

November 5, 14:48–15:36, Room 16 (Kobe International Exhibition Hall No.3 Building Digital Poster Venue)

Lower GI-1

  • Chairperson:
    Yoshikazu HayashiDepartment of Medicine, Division of Gastroenterology, Jichi Medical University
  • Discussant:
    Ryo ShimodaDepartment of Saga University Hospital, Endoscopic Diagnostics and Therapeutics

Comparison of 1-L PEG-Asc with linaclotide versus sennoside for colon cleaning in constipated patients
Poster Award Young Award

Natsumi Maeda Department of Gastroenterology, Minami Osaka Hospital,Department of Gastroenterology, Osaka City University Graduate School of Medicine

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