International Poster Session1 (JDDW)
October 28, 9:30–10:18, Room 15 (Marine Messe Fukuoka Arena Digital Poster Session)

Status of Barrett's esophageal adenocarcinoma treated with ESD in a high-incidence area of esophageal squamous cell carcinoma

Shohei Uehara1
Co-authors: Fumisato Sasaki1, Akio Ido1
Digestive and Lifestyle Diseases, Kagoshima University Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences
Background Our region has one of the highest esophageal cancer incidence rates. Barrett's esophageal adenocarcinoma (BEA) is a worldwide concern.
Aim This study aimed to clarify the clinical background and outcomes of BEA patients treated using ESD in an area with a high esophageal squamous cell carcinoma (ESCC) incidence rate.
Methods We reviewed the clinical characteristics and outcomes of 61 patients 63 lesions with BEA who underwent ESD at six institutions in our region from September 2007 to December 2021. We divided the 14-year period into the first and second half and compared the percentage of BEA cases to the total number of esophageal ESD cases.
Results BEA was more common in elderly men with a history of smoking. The lesions were most commonly located anterior to the right wall, were macroscopic, and were mostly Type 0-IIa. The proportion of esophageal ESD cases with BEA in the earlier and later periods had no significant difference, with 14/311 (4.5%) cases and 46/699 (6.6%) cases (P = 0.20), respectively. The number of BEA cases increased with the increase in the total number of ESD cases.
Conclusion The number of patients with BEA treated with ESD increased in an area with high ESCC incidence rate.
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