International Session(Symposium)2
10月28日 14:30~17:00 第8会場
IS-S2 肝線維化,肝硬変に対する新規治療-基礎から臨床まで- (From basic to clinical research: The strategy for new treatments for liver fibrosis and cirrhosis) |
司会 | 吉治仁志 (Hitoshi Yoshiji) |
奈良県立医大・消化器・代謝内科 (Department of Gastroenterology, Nara Medical University) |
寺井崇二 (Shuji Terai) |
新潟大大学院・消化器内科学 (Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences, Niigata University) |
Liver cirrhosis is progressive disease. Now we can treat HBV and HCV related liver cirrhosis, but the therapy to cure liver fibrosis itself is still unmet demand. Basic study to understand the mechanism of liver fibrosis is proceeding. Concerning with evaluation method to analyze liver fibrosis (biomarker and elastography) were also progressed in clinical field. On the other hands, new strategy using drug, cell, gene and exosome is developing. To develop a next generation therapy for liver cirrhosis in clinical, adequate design of clinical study and trial is needed. In this symposium we will discuss the current status of diagnosis and therapy for liver cirrhosis and new findings of liver cirrhosis therapy and sum up the strategy of next step.