Strategic International Session 3
10月27日 9:00~12:00 第9会場
ST3 JSH-AASLD joint symposium:C型肝炎の撲滅にむけて (JSH-AASLD joint symposium: Towards HCV elimination) |
司会 | 竹原徹郎 (Tetsuo Takehara) |
大阪大大学院・消化器内科学 (Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine) |
Calvin Q. Pan | NYU Langone Health, NYU School of Medicine |
JSH and AASLD have decided to hold joint symposia in Japan and the United States, respectively, starting in 2020, in order to deepen mutual friendship and exchange. The Strategic International Session to be held at JDDW2022 will be the third one to be held in Japan. This year's conference is also the 30th anniversary of JDDW, and we have chosen Towards HCV Elimination as the theme of the symposium in the field of hepatitis C, an area that has seen remarkable development in medical practice over the past 30 years. The international committees of both JSH and AASLD have selected leading experts from both societies as speakers in the areas of global HCV elimination, HCV surveillance after SVR, and remaining issues in treatment. We hope that this joint symposium will be a fruitful one for the international conquest of HCV and that the exchange and friendship between the two societies will continue to progress.