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International Session(Symposium)3(JSGE・JSH・JSGS・JSGCS)
Fri. November 1st   9:30 - 11:30   Room 4: Portopia Hotel South Wing Portopia Hall
Significance of diabetes and hypertension in "at-risk MASH"
Hideki Fujii1, Sawako Uchida1, Norifumi Kawada1
1Department of Hepatology, Graduate School of Medicine, Osaka Metropolitan University
Aims: FAST-score (FAST) is a non-invasive test consisting of hepatic elasticity (E), controlled attenuation parameter (CAP), and AST by transient elastography (TE), and is a noninvasive test for at-risk MASH diagnosis. In this study, we examined the relationship between at-risk MASH diagnosis and lifestyle-related diseases. Methods: Of 5,465 patients who underwent initial TE at our institution, 621 patients (310 men) were included. Exclusion criteria was as follows. Those with low reliability (success rate <60% and iqr/med≥0.3), HBs antigen and/or HCV antibody positive, alcohol consumption ≥60 g/day, and no fatty liver on abdominal ultrasound. The patients were classified into three groups according to FAST: Low (<0.35)/Grey (0.35-0.67)/High (>0.67). Laboratory data, complication rates of lifestyle-related diseases, as well as medication status of each group were examined.Results: Patient background was as follows. Median (interquartile range): BMI; 26.1 (23.3-29.2) kg/m2, platelet count; 23.7 (18.8-29.1)/104 uL, AST; 35 (26-53) U/L, ALT; 48 (31-79) U/L, diabetes; 24%, hypertension; 25%, dyslipidemia; 43%, E; 5.8 (4.3-8.9) kPa, CAP;288 (252-320) dB/m, FAST; 0.31 (0.14-0.55), Low/Grey/High; 55%/30%/15%. in 3-arm analysis of FAST, Low/Grey/High: diabetes; 17%/28%/40%, hypertension; 21%/25%/40%, Biguanide; 7%/15%/17%, DPP4; 9%/14%/21%, SGLT2; 6%/9%/16%, Ca-channel blocker; 15%/18%/26%. Multivariate analysis extracted odds ratios (95% confidence interval) and P values for FAST≥0.35: BMI; 2.55 (1.77-3.66), P<0.001 and diabetes; 2.04 (1.36-3.07), P<0.001. Additionally, for FAST> 0.67, BMI; 2.15 (1.24-3.73), P=0.007, diabetes; 2.17 (1.30-3.62), P=0.003, hypertension; 1.88 (1.11-3.16), P=0.018, and platelets; 2.33 (1.40-3.90), P=0.001, were extracted. Conclusions: At the Rule-in cutoff for at-risk MASH, FAST>0.67, the complications of diabetes and hypertension are particularly important.
Index Term 1: MASH
Index Term 2: diagnosis
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