Please select the category below that applies to you by ticking the relevant box.
If you wish to submit an abstract, please complete your pre-registration for the meeting first. Once your pre-registration has been completed, you may proceed to submit an abstract.
Important Points
- If you are selected as a recipient of an award under the Travel Award Program, your registration fee* will be refunded to you. (Please note that the exchange rate will be the rate in effect at the time of the refund.)
- In the event that your abstract is not accepted, your registration fee* can be refunded to you upon your request.
*The registration fee will be refunded to your credit card only after the meeting. - If you have already completed pre-registration for the meeting and wish to submit a new abstract, please go back to the previous page and click on “Edit” to access the Abstract submission page. After you have updated your registered information, proceed to the confirmation screen and click on the link shown there to submit your new abstract.
In the absence of “Abstract Submission” by noon, March 18 (Tuesday), 2025 (Japan time), we delete your "Pre-Registration" data and process the refund.