- The 67th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Gastroenterology
- President: Yoshiyuki Ueno
Department of Gastroenterology,
Yamagata University Faculty of Medicine
I am honored to be appointed as the President of the 67th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Gastroenterology at JDDW 2025 Kobe. I am very humbled and feel a great sense of responsibility. All of us are working together to prepare for this meeting.
Like other fields of medicine, gastroenterology has changed significantly driven by advances in science and technology over the past few years. In this context, many researchers are still trying to solve many remaining questions and issues. The presentations at this year's JDDW are the fruit of such efforts, and will showcase the latest in basic and clinical research. In this meeting, we would like to take up newly challenging themes as thematic sessions to deepen discussions in each organ and across organs. Special lectures will also be prepared that will stimulate the intellectual curiosity of our members. In addition, we would like to promote further internationalization of the JSGE by planning International Sessions and Strategic Sessions. For this purpose, we have requested many speakers from oversea countries. Our starting point is that we want to make this conference an exciting event that will surely answer the desire to "know" of our colleagues.
We hope that many of our members will join us in Kobe to supply new energy for our daily activities. Thank you very much for your cooperation.