JDDW2025 (Japan Digestive Disease Week 2025) KOBE

Chairperson's Comment

Strategic International Session 3
Cutting edge of endoscopic treatment for colorectal neoplasms<Video>

November 1st  14:30–17:00  Room9

Call for Papers

Chairperson Yutaka Saito Endoscopy Division, National Cancer Center Hospital
Yoji Takeuchi Department of Endoscopy and Endoscopic Surgery, Gunma University Hospital
Endoscopic treatment of colorectal neoplasms, which began with polypectomy and endoscopic mucosal resection (EMR), was initially believed to have reached a plateau, largely due to advances in techniques and equipment. However, with the advent of endoscopic submucosal dissection (ESD), the indications for endoscopic treatment of colorectal neoplasms have significantly expanded. Furthermore, newer techniques such as cold polypectomy, underwater EMR, and tip-in EMR have been introduced, showing potential to further enhance treatment outcomes. In addition to these advancements, the diagnostic accuracy of endoscopic ultrasound (EUS) has improved, alongside innovations in magnifying endoscopy. Furthermore, the development of suturing techniques has enabled more complex procedures, including per-anal endoscopic myectomy (PAEM) and full-thickness resection, marking a major turning point in endoscopic treatment for colorectal neoplasms. In this video session, we aim to explore the latest treatment modalities, highlighting recent innovations and their practical applications. We will focus on key procedural tips and precautions to ensure that these techniques can be effectively implemented in routine clinical practice.

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